Last updated: 4/25/2013
110 Overland Trail
Sterling, CO 80751
Monday - Saturday
9 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday - Saturday
10 AM - 4 PM
Please call to check on price of admission, (970) 522-3895.
Snow Staples
Chelsea Leonard
phone: 970-522-3895
At the Overland Trail Museum, located on Highway 6, east of the South Platte River in northeastern Colorado, your family can travel back in time and imagine themselves as part of the historic migration of gold seekers and early pioneers. Built in 1936, the museum was named after the Overland Trail stage route that branched off from the Oregon Trail in Nebraska and followed the south bank of the South Platte River through northeastern Colorado. This famous route was arguably the heaviest traveled road in America—and maybe even in the world—between 1862 to 1868.
You'll love exploring the buildings found in the village behind the main structure of the museum. Stroll through the Stoney Buttes one-room schoolhouse, the Evangelical Lutheran Concordia Church, the Dailey Cash Store, the granary barn, the blacksmith shop, a barbershop and a filling station. Completed in 2002, the Dave Hamil Building gives visitors a lesson in history on rural electrification across the United States. Interpretive information on the Pawnee Pioneer Trails Scenic and Historic Byway are also available.
You can also enjoy a variety of activities at this impressive museum during the summer, including the Prairie School—which runs weekly sessions for 6-8 weeks each summer—and the 4th of July Heritage Festival. You won't want to miss this Sterling stop as you and your family blaze new trails together on your vacation.
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