Last updated: 4/6/2011
527 Washington Street
Newton, MA 02458
Cindy Stone
phone: 617-796-1450
Allison Carter
phone: 617-796-1450
Historic Newton tells the stories of Newton's people and places. Visit us to explore our historic sites and collections, learn from our exhibitions, archives and programs, and share out common history. Historic Newton is headquartered at the Jackson Homestead and Museum, a regional center for exploration into the Underground Railroad movement and one of the first sites recognized by the National Park Service's Underground Network to Freedom.
Historic Newton's mission is to encourage the inquiry and exploration of Newton in the broad context of American history.
Formerly the Newton History Museum, Historic Newton is the umbrella term that encompasses the Jackson Homestead and Museum and the Newton Historical Society, Inc. The Jackson Homestead opened to the public as a museum in 1950.
An extensive schedule of public programs, which include lectures, workshops, and walking tours, is offered to the members and the public throughout the year.
Historic Newton offers programs for student groups in grades Pre-K through 12 that provide an opportunity to explore the history of American people using the City of Newton as a case study. The programs engage children in active learning through observing, discussing, and participating in hands-on activities.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Staff Only, Members
Appointment required: True
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