Last updated: 3/10/2012
Abigail Smith Adams Birthplace
180 Norton Street
North Weymouth, MA 02191
P.O. Box 147
Weymouth, MA 02191
Judith Alukonis
phone: 617-772-1361
Due to the ongoing preservation work in 2012, the Birthplace is closed. Special tours and programs will be scheduled when the work is completed. Please stay tuned to this website and our Facebook page for updates.
The Birthplace of Abigail Smith Adams was built in 1685. Her life began here on November 11, 1744. She was the daughter of Rev. William Smith and Elizabeth Quincy Smith. Stepping into Abigail's "chamber", one can visualize her sitting with quill in hand, writing to her future husband John Adams.
On October 25, 1764, Rev. Smith performed the marriage ceremony between Abigail and her "dearest friend" at her childhood home.
Abigail would go on to become the first wife and mother to U.S. Presidents: John Adams and their son John Quincy Adams. A life time of letter writing between Abigail and John has given us an eyewitness account of the birth of a nation: the United States of America.
Several members of MuseumsUSA have indicated difficulty contacting the Adams House. Local folks tell us to call the Wymouth Town Hall at 781-335-2000 to get currnt information. The Town Hall is closed on Wednesdays.
The Abigail Adams Historical Society purchased the Birthplace in 1947 in order to restore, preserve, and maintain this historical treasure for all to see.
It is furnished to depict mid 18th century life, the time Abigail lived in the home.
Abigail Adams Historical Society owns and maintains the Abigail Adams Birthplace.
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