Last updated: 2/26/2012
711 West 1st St
Webster, SD 57274
If you are looking for an interesting and educational way to spend your time, visit the Day County Museum located in the basement of the Day County Courthouse, where hundreds of articles are on display, affording visitors an enjoyable glimpse into the past. Much of the history of Day County is preserved through the loaning or donating by people of these articles, worn, used or treasured by their forefathers.
There are many early day pictures of Webster. Of interest to the ladies is the gown worn by Mrs. Sigurd Anderson at the Governor's Inaugural Ball and Reception in January 1951. Another item is an Indian headdress presented the governor by the Sioux Indian Tribe when the Sitting Bull monument was dedicated
There are many items of Indian significance, including a bow and arrow, spears, arrow heads, beautiful beaded items, stone tools, drummer's stick and three beaded war clubs made by the Sioux Indians, to mention merely a few. There is a sailing chart, used in sailing the seven seas in 1879 and a sled made about 1872-1875.
These are just a few of the many interesting articles to see when visiting the museum.
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