Last updated: 7/3/2017
Building 55 Sheridan Street
Fort Meade, SD 57741
PO Box 164
Fort Meade, SD 57741
May 1 to September 30th
School or requested tours by appointment any time.
Fort Meade was an active military fort from 1878 to 1944. Today it is active in Officer Training Schools. They perserve the history in and to the Black Hills of South Dakota. The museum displays many remnants of the historic peacekeeping old post and faithfully preserves them. There are numerous mementos of the colorful units and the troopers who served at the Fort Meade Museum.
Native American and early (1848) military dress and accouterments.
Please contact the museum if you are interested in becoming a member. You're membership dues help preserve the history.
We have four tiers of membership.
Individual $25
Family $35
Grandparent $35
Lifetime $250
We are wheelchair accessible to the main floor. Ramp is located in the rear parking lot, parking lot entrance is on the western side of the museum.
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