Last updated: 2/29/2020
900 Governors Dr
Armour, SD 57313
PO Box 638
Armour, SD 57313
he red brick building, which houses the Douglas County Museum, originally served as the offices of the County Auditor and Register of Deeds. It was built in 1902 because state law required county auditors and registrars to be located in fireproof buildings — at the time, the main courthouse was a frame structure. The cost of construction was $3,625. After the present courthouse was built in 1927, the smaller structure was no longer needed and it was then used as an office for a local attorney and, later, as a storage facility. Since 1960, the Douglas County Historical Society has housed its growing collection of artifacts in the structure. It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976.
Charles Crutchett, and early settler and druggist in Armour, was instrumental in setting up the museum. His early work has been continued and expanded by the Douglas County Historical Society. The museum was dedicated in Mr. Crutchett’s name in 1974. The museum collections include clothing, household items, farm tools, office equipment, American Indian artifacts, military items, photographs and other memorabilia unique to the Douglas County area. Most items in the collection have a connection to area residents. Of interest outside the building are light poles, which were originally on Armour’s Main Street, and the bell and keystone, which were from the 1908 Armour school building.
The Douglas County Museum and Country School are under the care and management of the Douglas County Historical Society. The maintenance and operation of the facilities are funded by Douglas County and private donations.
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