Last updated: 9/13/2017
62 N. Main St
Ivoryton, CT 06442
P.O. Box 277
Ivoryton, CT 06442
Kevin Brown
Mark Logsdon
Scott Mitchell
The Museum of Fife and Drum is home to one the most unique collections of fife and drum artifacts in the world; it is a visual and musical history of America on parade, from the Revolutionary War to the present. Theme displays feature drums, fifes, military swords, music, uniforms, medals, awards and photographs.
The Company of Fifers & Drummers seeks to: Perpetuate the American Heritage of fife and drum music; Encourage the development of young fifers and drummers; Develop a broader understanding for the great variety of musical persuasions within the framework of fife and drum; Establish a permanent Archives and Museum to chronicle the development of fife and drum; Identify, collect, and preserve historical artifacts and music related to fifes and drums and their use
The Company of Fifers & Drummers was established in 1965, to perpetuate the historical significance and folk traditions of fife and drum music and to foster the spirit of fellowship among fifers and drummers everywhere. The Organization was incorporated in the State of Connecticut as a non-stock, non-profit corporation on July 29, 1967.
Lecture Halls
Performance Areas
The Company of Fifers & Drummers is governed by a Board of Directors, which is also called the Executive Committee and is made up of 5 Administrative Officers, with specific responsibilities for running the Company, and 10 Executive Officers. The Administrative Officers have the roles of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Together, the Administrative Officers are known as the Administrative Committee.
The responsibility of the Executive Committee is to oversee the Company’s activities and to carry out the mission of the Company. Company meetings are held quarterly at the Company of Fifers and Drummers HQ and Museum in Ivoryton, CT.
Access: Members
Appointment required: True
The Company of Fifers & Drummers Museum and Headquarters is available to rent for your special event.
Online Gift Shop
Event Rental
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