Last updated: 7/15/2021
8 East Main Street
Avon, CT 06001
P.O. Box 448
Avon, CT 06001
Ms. Terri Wilson
phone: 860-678-7621
Currently the Society's projects include full restoration of the Derrin House on West Avon Road, proper storage of many artifacts in the Living Museum and Pine Grove Schoolhouse, answering local history questions, giving referrals to those who seek "experts" to help with their historic home or genealogy questions, publishing a newsletter and planning fundraising events.
The Society belongs to the Farmington Valley Visitors Association, Connecticut League of History Organizations, Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation.
AVON HISTORICAL SOCIETY MISSION: to identify, collect, preserve, utilize, publish, display, and promote the history and heritage of Avon. (Approved by the AHS Board, Jan. 10, 2001)
Began in 1974, maintains 4 historic properties, rotating exhibits in the Library, historic-themed events and book talks, community involvement with other non-profits as requested.
Over 900 items in the collection.
All ephemera is housed in an archive storage space in the Local History Room of the Avon Free Public Library.
Many educational programs are offered throughout the year specific to local history. Many have accompanying exhibits. Partners with other organizations to create programming on large, long commemorations such as the US Civil War, Suffrage, and other national events.
Only 1 of four historic properties is open to the public. One is undergoing adaptive reuse to open as a museum in 2023.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
Research assistance, public displays of local historical interest (banners), visible signs around town reminding the public about historic properties.
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