Last updated: 1/18/2011
2953 Stout Street
Birchwood, WI 54817
1008 Maple Terrace Driv
Birchwood, WI 54817
All summer June - August Most holidays and special city events Blue Gill fest and Firefighters street dance.
The Birchwood Historical Society is dedicated to the preservation of local history. Our collection features a restored homestead from the mid-ninteen hundreds and a log cabin filled with objects of local historical value from the early logging camps. Currenty we are working to restore an early ninteen hundreds carriage house and build a new building to house the orginal Birchwod fire engine and other objects deemed historicaly valuable.
Our society is run by volunteers, who have a dedicated intrest to preserving local history. The society began in the late 1990's and continues today from the suppoet of volunteers
Local news papers, scrap books and photo's of the Birchwood Area. Early furniture, Logging artifacts
Some early photo's and news papers. Scrap books
Access: General Public, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
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