Last updated: 1/22/2010
24 Academy Street
South Berwick, ME 03908
P. O. Box 17
South Berwick, ME 03908
The group seeks to share its large collection of archives and artifacts reflecting Dunnybrook's 350-year-old history
The society has been in existence since 1985. The bulk of the institution's collections were amassed by Maine author Gladys Hasty Carroll and her progenitors. These were willed to The Dunnybrook Historical Foundation, Inc. upon Mrs. Carroll's death in 1999. The institution's holdings as a whole are therefore called The Gladys Hasty Carroll Collection. Items relate to the personal and professional history of Gladys Hasty Carroll and to her native Dunnybrook community which she so effectively interpreted.
Objects of local historical interest from pre-Revolutionary War times to the 20th century, including but not limited to militaria
Archives include media, correspondence, manuscripts and publications, two-dimensional images, records of all types
With prior arrangement and Board approval, we offer tailored lessons to schools based upon local history, lectures and dramatic historical skits. There is no fee for these presentations. At the present time the organization does not lend materials for unsupervised use by other groups.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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