Last updated: 1/25/2011
83 Main Rd South
Hampden, ME 04444
PO Box 456
Hampden, ME 04444
The John Hampden Society was formed in 1992 to honour the 17th centuryEnglish parliamentarian after whom the town of Hampden was named in 1794. In August 1994 eight members of the Society were guests at the Bicentennial Celebrations, and strong links have been forged between Hampden Historical Society and the John Hampden Society.
John Hampden became famous for opposing King Charles I's illegal Ship Money tax, and was one of the architects of parliamentary democracy in England. Hampden (Maine) is one of a dozen towns throughout the world named after the man known to history as 'The Patriot'.
Membership is open to all persons and organizations interested in preserving, researching or learning about the history of Hampden, Maine.
The purpose of Hampden Historical Society
shall be to bring together those people
interested in history and especially in the
history of Hampden and the surrounding
area. Understanding the history of our
community is basic to our democratic way of
life, gives us a better understanding of our
state and nation, and promotes a better
appreciation of our American Heritage.
The purpose of Hampden Historical Society
shall be to bring together those people
interested in history and especially in the
history of Hampden and the surrounding
area. Understanding the history of our
community is basic to our democratic way of
life, gives us a better understanding of our
state and nation, and promotes a better
appreciation of our American Heritage.
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