Last updated: 5/24/2011
6425 SW 6th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66615
Tuesday - Saturday
9 AM - 5 PM
$6 adults, $4 students with ID; children 5 and under or Members of Kansas State Historical Society admitted free
Lois J. Herr
phone: 785-272-8681 x251
Teresa Jenkins
The Kansas Historical Society operates the Kansas Museum of History, State Archives and Library, and Kansas State Capitol Tour Center in Topeka. The Historical Society also operates 16 state historic sites across Kansas.
The Kansas Historical Society's Museum Store offers a large selection of books and gifts related to Kansas history and the settling of the American West. Find more than 600 book titles and a large sample of gifts. Many are made in Kansas by Kansas artists. Select photographs from our collection depicting early Kansas and the Old West. Shop in person at the Museum Store in Topeka and Museum Stores around Kansas.
The Kansas Historical Society is the state agency charged with actively safeguarding and sharing the state’s history to facilitate government accountability, economic development, and the education of Kansans. This is accomplished by collecting, preserving, and interpreting materials and information pertaining to state government and Kansas history.
The Kansas Historical Society is a state agency.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
We publish a quarterly scholarly journal, "Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains" and a quarterly general interest magazine, "Reflections." We also publish a semi-quarterly newsletter for those interested in historic preservation of buildings, "Kansas Preservation"
Kansas History: a Journal of the Central Plains
Kansas Preservation
Gift Shop
Online Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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