Last updated: 1/12/2019
51 N Center
Rexburg, ID 83440
35 N 1st E
Rexburg, ID 83440
See website for current hours. The hours of operation are dependent on the availability of volunteers.
Sunday - Wednesday
Thursday - Saturday
10 AM - 2 PM
Enterance is on the Northside of the building through the double doors.
We have artifacts & stories of the settlement of Rexburg, histories of the citizens, & information about the area. We also have a children's room. Formerly the Teton Flood Museum, we still have an exhibit, tour, and movie about the Teton Dam Flood.
The renovations were made to provide a look into the rich history of Rexburg and the surrounding area and help give visitors a greater understanding of the sacrifices that make our community great. Our goal is to not just to display items, but to find the stories behind those items and share them with you
We are located in the basement of the Rexburg Tabernacle located at 25 N Center Street.
To make an appointment for groups on the days we are closed, please call (208) 359- 3063 during our regular bussines hours.
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