Last updated: 1/12/2012
Eureka, Montana
Street Address
1 Dewey Ave
Eureka, MT 59917
Mailing Address
Box 1452
Eureka, MT 59917


Lynda Young
phone: 406-889-3492
Cathryn W. Schroeder
phone: 406-882-4467

The Historical Village in Eureka, Montana is a collection of historic buildings and artifacts from the Tobacco Valley area. The properties, which include ten structures and their contents, are maintained and administered by volunteer workers and fundraisers inspired by a concern to preserve the history of the Tobacco Valley area.


The Tobacco Valley Board of History is a not-for-profit, all volunteer member organization, dedicated to preserving our community's history and heritage. Chartered in 1971, the TV Board of History is empowered to preserve historic information, buildings, and culture. Our memberships mission is to encourage and act on the publication of historic works, restore and preserve historic buildings, artifacts and monuments in our possession, and retain a living link with past cultural forms through interpretation, display and programs at the Historical Village in Eureka, Montana. We invite you to join us in our effort to help our communities grow and improve here in northwest Montana. You can become involved with TV Board of History by becoming a member, volunteering or donating funds. Everyone is also always welcome to just stop by and enjoy our facilities.


All buildings and artifacts on site date back to the 1880s and 1920s. They include a general store, schoolhouse, library, church, two log cabins, hand-hewn house, railway depot, caboose, and fire tower, some of which were rescued during the Libby Dam construction era in the late 1960s. Interpreters are on site and all buildings are open to the public from May until September. The Fewkes General Store, which serves as a museum, is also the depository of a large collection of archival materials donated by organizations and residents of the Tobacco Valley. This includes an extensive, properly cataloged and registered archive of written and photographic materials. These materials are available for research at a minimal fee.

Artifact Collections

We hold the largest collection in the State of Montana of local artifacts and historic buildings from the Tobacco Valley Collections.ResearchCollections=We hold the largest photographic and written material collection in the State of Montana. Documents can also be located in the Library of Congress.


Docents available for free from Memorial Day to Labor Day (call to arrange): annual photographic exhibitions in Depot; all buildings native plant display

Performance Areas

The Historical Village in Eureka is owned and maintained by the Tobacco Valley Board of History. The TVBH is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization


Access: Scholars, Staff Only, Members

Appointment required: True

Facilities and Grounds Use Policies

The grounds and church at the Historical Village are open year-round for private reflection and walking. The village also has a children's playground and picnic tables. Food is only available, however, during special events. Special events held at the village each year include Rendezvous, Eureka Montana Quilt Show and Shakespeare in the Park and some of our nearby attractions include the Eureka Riverwalk and the Historical Building Tour.

If you are interested, the grounds are available for private and community events, for a fee. For more details please contact Lynda Young. Download Grounds Use Policy on our website.

Fundraising and custom hand-quilted quilts!

The TV Board of History does extensive fundraising to maintain the Historical Village and its contents. Some of our fund raising activities include sponsoring rummage, bake, book and Christmas bazaar sales. Donations are also another important means of income, as is income from the TV Quilters. The TV Quilters are members of the Board of History who quilt every Friday from Labor Day to Memorial Day in the schoolhouse to raise funds for the Historical Village. If you have a quilt top you would like hand quilted, we can do it for you! We also specialize in homemade, hand-quilted quilts. Anyone who is interested in joining the TV Quilters is welcome.

Gift Shop
Event Rental
Museum Events
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