Last updated: 9/8/2022
19827 Poplar Way
Lynnwood, WA 98036
The Sno-Isle Genealogical Society is a not-for-profit organization devoted to furthering genealogical research and education, housing genealogical materials and promoting interest in Family History. The Society is committed to recording and publishing genealogical data concerning Snohomish and Island Counties, in the State of Washington.
The Society offers research services from our eclectic collection of resources via phone or email. Membership in SIGS helps support the running of our physical location, Humble House, and members receive a newsletter published 10 times per year, and access to purchases at the SIGS Bargain Bookstore.
In-person research help is available by visiting our Lynnwood, Washington location. Our dedicated group of volunteers have a passion for genealogical research. Whether you prefer the “old-fashion” paper recordings, utilizing technology, or have embraced genetic genealogy our staff have the knowledge and desire to help you unravel those genealogical mysteries.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
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