Last updated: 1/20/2011
2303 3RD AVE S
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Sunday, Friday - Saturday
1 PM - 5 PM
Wednesday - Saturday
1 PM - 5 PM
$5 adults
$1 seniors/students
Admission to the Museum, Galleries, and Archives is always free for members.
Jack Kabrud
Jada Hansen
Susan Larson-Fleming
We've been collecting, preserving, and presenting Hennepin County's history since 1938. In that time, our county has seen incredible change: the introduction of freeways, a blossoming non-European immigrant community, the growth of our arts and cultural institutions, and the invention of shopping malls. All along, the Hennepin History Museum has collected and preserved the materials and artifacts that tell these stories and so many others. We provide members and the public with rotating exhibits, programs, and access to our archives.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Staff Only, Members
Appointment required: False
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