Last updated: 2/24/2012
400 & 401 West Mahoning Street
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
P.O. Box 286
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
Sunday, Thursday - Saturday
1 PM - 4 PM
Thursday, Saturday
10 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, Friday
1 PM - 4 PM
Fee for Genealogy is $5.00 per day for non-members.
Memberships available for $15 per year.
Jeanne Curtis
phone: 814-938-2555
Shirley Sharp
phone: 814-938-2555
The Society operates three facilities which serve the Punxsutawney Area. The Bennis House, a Victorian era home which house most of the society's exhibits; The Lattimer House houses the Groundhog Day Museum, Invited Exhibits, and Research Facilities; and, the Snyder Hill Schoolhouse, which is open by appointment only.
The purpose of the Society shall be to receive, collect and preserve the historical and genealogical records and artifacts of the area; to maintain a library and museum for their perpetuation and care; to encourage the preservation and restoration of material things and places that are of historical significance to the area; to exhibit artifacts of historical, genealogical and cultural value; to educate persons about subjects of historical, genealogical and cultural significance.
The Society was begun in 1978 with the primary purpose of preserving the history of the Punxsutawney Area.
Native American
Early Settler
Victorian to modern day
Family History
Photo Archives
Business Archives
Children's Workshops
Summer History Camp for Children
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
If you are looking for Punxsutawney souvenirs, we have postcards, note pads, magnets with exclusive designs (Gobbler's Knob and Margiotti Bridge roadside markers, Punxsutawney-Name of Indian Origin sign, Barclay Square scene and Flood Control and Roseman's Wall murals), exclusive Christmas ornaments of Punxsutawney scenes and many other items.
Special events such as our Christmas open house, downtown tours and special programs are times when we invite the public to share in our love of Punxsutawney history. Watch for these events and take part by attending or volunteering to help with the work of planning them.
We offer a discovery series for children which focus on a historical eras or topics. We are in the second year of a four-year program. "From the Woodlands" highlighed the early peoples who once lived in our region. "Settling In" will explore our early settler period. We will go on to study our "Boomtown" era and our "Armed Forces and Public Services" history. Bring your children in or come yourself to help with the logistics of crafts, snacks or transportation. A partial schedule is shown on our PROGRAMS and PROJECTS page.
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