Last updated: 4/6/2011
Franklinville School
1701 Morris Road
Blue Bell, PA 19422
P.O. Box 311
Blue Bell, PA 19422
Herman Ehert
phone: 215-646-7315
Same as under present Museum Info. Please add: The main project for the Society is the restoration and preservation of the Franklinville one-room school house. It is the last remaining one-room school house in the area open to the public. Originally opened in 1858 and closed in 1916, it has been restored to reflect what a one- room school house would have looked like in the late nineteenth century.
Same as under present Museum info
Historical Society of Whitpain was originally founded in 1985 for the purpose of restoring and preserving the one-room Franklinville school house.
Same as under present Museum info.
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