Last updated: 8/26/2013
807 Fallowfield
Charleroi, PA 15022
Nikki AC Sheppick
phone: 724-483-4961
Beth Perret
phone: 724-483-4961
Larry Cowell
phone: 724-483-4961
LaVerne Williams
phone: 724-483-4961
Vicki Molesky
phone: 724-483-4961
Becky Wood
phone: 724-483-4961
We have an archival area in which we preserve the original documents and utilize the information for local Genealogy and History Research, as well as providing computer research facilities.
The mission of the CAHS shall be to provide a coherent history of the area, preserving its artifacts, collecting its memorabilia and to pictorially preserve in photograph and writing its history, people and events.
Began in 1973, became re-organized under new leadership, formed up a Board of Directors, performed an in-depth archival inventory, established a new Charleroi Area Heritage & Tourism Community Fund and began investing in associated projects.
Since 2002, the Charleroi Area Historical Society, Inc. has been moving aggressively ahead in making sure others realize the importance of Charleroi Area history, especially as it is affiliated with the 2nd largest industry in Pennsylvania: Heritage Tourism in a very important Heritage Corridor region.
Many and varied, including a Genealogy & History Research Center, and archives with a multitude of interesting historical assets, documents and information.
C. B. Copeland - "Old Man River", Gov. J. K. Tener, all things "Goaziou" at the print shop, and many others related to Charleroi and its school district area - all that continues to grow as contributions are made.
Our organization has played a significant part in the annual children's history tour of the National Registered Historic District of Charleroi. We also have a window exhibit that changes frequently covering different subjects.
Docents are available for special appt. tours and certain days and hours during the week.
Our researchers do look ups and other research related to genealogy and history of our school district area and region.
Charleroi Area Historical Society Board of Directors
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
Please see our website for a variety of books, crafts and other items that are available as a fundraiser for the Society.
Online Gift Shop
Group Tours
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