Last updated: 8/17/2008
4400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tuesday–Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Sunday: 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday: Closed
* Open 10–5 on New Year's Eve, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, and Mondays in the summer between 4th of July and Labor Day.
Ellen James
phone: 412-622-3361
In 2007, the museum completed the largest expansion in its history with the opening of Dinosaurs in Their Time, the finest dinosaur experience in the country. In addition to more than 20 galleries and the Powdermill Nature Reserve research field station, Carnegie Museum of Natural History maintains, preserves, and interprets an extraordinary collection of 21 million objects and scientific specimens; so many that less than one percent are on view at any given time. These collections are used by educators, scientists, researchers, and museums worldwide to broaden understanding of evolution, conservation, and biodiversity.
In 1895, Pittsburgh industrialist Andrew Carnegie established Carnegie Institute to help people improve their lives through educational and cultural experiences. His founding ideals are now embodied in a collective of four distinctive museums: Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Carnegie Science Center, and The Andy Warhol Museum. These four institutions comprise Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh.
Carnegie Museum of Natural History is home to 21 million specimens, of which 10,000 are on view at any given time in 20 galleries. Collections are related to sections of Anthropology, Botany, Invertebrate Paleontology, Invertebrate Zoology, Mammals, Minerals, Vertebrate Paleontology, Mollusks, and Amphibians and Reptiles.
Data and images of nearly 1 million objects in the museum’s collection are cataloged in online searchable databases that are used by researchers worldwide. Museum scientists are also actively engaged in fieldwork, collecting and cataloging new specimens in more than 20 countries.
Carnegie Museum of Natural History boasts some of the world’s best and brightest research scientists who regularly publish discoveries that yield further clues to our understanding of the environmental and evolutionary processes that have shaped the Earth and its inhabitants. Since 2000, the museum’s prolific scientists have published nearly 20 papers in theprestigious science journals Nature and Science, and have been awarded 50 research grants, including seven grants from the National Science Foundation.
Access: Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
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