Last updated: 3/29/2017
310 North Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606
401 West Kennedy
University of Tampa
Tampa, FL 33606
Jocelyn Boigenzahn
phone: 813-253-6217
The University of Tampa, Scarfone/Hartley Gallery exhibits significant original works of art created by contemporary national, international and regional artists. STUDIO-f, visiting-artist program is included in the gallery events.
The purpose of the University of Tampa, Scarfone/Hartley Gallery is to exhibit works of art and have visiting artists as an extension of the classroom providing students on campus and the community an opportunity to meet artists and to view and study significant original art work created by contemporary national, international and regional artists. Events, lectures and performances which are intrinsic to the arts are included in presentations.
The University of Tampa, Scarfone/Hartley Gallery was established in 1977. The gallery including STUDIO-f was relocated in 2004 to Bailey Art Studios on campus. The gallery continues to exhibit work by national and international artists as well as regional artists including students. Recent exhibitions include the American Tapestry Alliance, Seventh Tapestry Biennial, Joyce J Scott in Tampa and Sam Gilliam.
Since 2000 the University of Tampa, Scarfone/Hartley Gallery has hosted Electronics Alive, a biennial exhibition of experimental computer animations, interactive digital work and computer graphics from throughout the world. Exhibitions have included work from Canada, France, United Kingdom, Japan, China, Australia, Brazil, Taiwan, Poland, Israel, Germany Columbia and numerous American artists. Lectures and presentations by some of the best computer artists are included in the events. For more information contact
STUDIO-f at the University of Tampa is an innovative visiting-artist program whose purpose since 1990is to introduce renowned artists to the Tampa Bay community by giving students and art enthusiasts an opportunity to meet these artists and see them working in the studio. Artists included are Louisa Chase, Sam Gilliam, Miriam Schapiro, Larry Poons, Audrey Flack and John Walker to name a few.
contemporary art by regional, and national/international artists of all media.
Access: Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
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