Last updated: 2/23/2015
7330 Gladiolus Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33908
7330 Gladiolus Dr
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Sat:10:00AM to 3:45PM - Sun:12:00AM to 3:45PM
Passengers weighing more than 300 LBS and Infants under 1 yr and Pregnant Women are restricted from riding on the Lakes Park and Gulf Railroad.
Michael Mulligan
phone: 239-267-1905
Jerome Ladner
phone: 239-560-7382
Larry Gluck
Betty Wollentin
Norma Gluck
phone: 239-267-1905
Railroad Museum of South Florida, Inc a Florida Non Profit Corp
The RRMSF operates a 3200 square foot museum located in Lakes Park. The museum is open 7 days a week, check the times page for times that it is open. Located in the museum are several live steam scale locomotives, rolling stock, and rail tracks. We have one of our retired locomotives sitting inside for photo oprotunites. Boards are changed out regulary for new information on Florida locomotives, old railroads, and station information. Artifacts including lanterns, ticket punches, spikes, tools, and baggage carts are on display. A model HO layout is open for viewing as well as a "G scale" overhead. The museum houses our movie theatre, showing Thomas or another educational video. A giftshop window is located out front for those who want to make a purchase of keychains, hats, banadanas, and much much more!
The RRMSF operates a 1/8th scale railroad through the North end of Lakes Park. The tracks are 7.5" wide and the route is approx 1.4 miles long. The trip takes roughly 15 minutes to ride through woods, lakes, small villages, and scenes. Tickets can be purchased for a small fee at the Museum ticket office located just across from the train station. We're sorry but no one under the age of 1 or pregnant women are allowed to ride. Round Trip Tickets prices are as follows- $1.00 for children (1-5 years old) $5.00 for adults (6 and over)
To preserve the past, present and future heritage of the railroads of America, especially, the Florida East Coast, the Seaboard Air Line and the Atlantic Coast Line, along with other short line railroads in the state. Our programs (video and multi-media presentations) document the significant contributions the railroads made and continue to make. We began presenting an annual Railroad Days in February 1993 as a community celebration of the arrival of the first trains to Fort Myers in 1904.
Current Collection includes:
Baldwin Locomotive #143 and Tender
Seaboard Airline Caboose #1257
Railroad Signals
Postal memobelia
Baggage Carts
Amtrak Conductor Exhibit
Steam Whistles and Bells
Current research collection includes:
SW Florida Railroad Depots
History of Baldwin Locomotive#143
Florida Steam Locomotives
Lecture Halls
Performance Areas
Board of Directors of the Railroad Museum of South Florida
Access: Members
Appointment required: False
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