Last updated: 8/16/2009
2060 Camel Road
Benicia, CA 94510
Ann Hansen
Beverly Phelan
All of the buildings on the complex are built of native California sandstone quarried right off the site. Their massive, austere style set a precedent at the Arsenal that was followed for most of the buildings constructed in the 1850's. The Arsenal is one of only three locations where native California sandstone was used for US military installations. The other two are Ft. Sill in Oklahoma and Ft. Tejon near Gorman, CA.
The Benicia Historical Museum shares the story of Benicia's place in the history and development of our country. The job of collecting artifacts began in 1975 and the items were stored in several locations until the Arsenal site became available. The Benicia City Council dedicated the Camel Barn complex on December 7th, 1982. The Museum was formally dedicated on May 19th, 1985 and has been open continuously since that time.
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