Last updated: 10/27/2022
2102 Palmetto St.
Middleburg, FL 32068
Please visit us any Sunday afternoon.
We are located between the Civic Association Building and the Weigel Senior Center.
April Watts
Katie Dile
To further community interests, provide wholesome family entertainment, a community gathering place, and promote local businesses.
When Middleburg was in its prime of business, the leading stores were owned by W. Warrick, Captain John G. Richard, Peter?, Jesse Branning and Thomas Hedges. There were two churches in the town, Catholic and Methodist. The old bell for the Methodist church was bought n New York in 1855 and sounds its tones to bring people to church today. Also a piano owned by the Beddingtons is to be found in an old house in Middleburg.
The Middleburg Civic Center is a historic community center built in 1940 and several additions and modifications throughout to accommodate the changes while still maintaining its original workmanship of the era. It has a total 2,272 of heated space for utilization, full kitchen and an actual stage.
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