Last updated: 4/11/2018
200 Greene St.
Key West, FL 33040
200 Greene Street
Key West, FL 33040
Melissa Kendrick
Tomlinson Rebecca Ph.D
Jeffrey Phillips
Corey Malcom
Shannon Burgess
Monica Brook
Dylan Kibler
Bill Monaghan
Lamika Winn
Connie Hurst
Yolanda Maloney
LaWanda Gibson
Jason Wallace
Bonnie Fritze
The Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society operates a two thousand square foot conservation laboratory that specializes in conserving underwater archaeological artifacts. This means all the artifacts that are either recovered from our archaeological expeditions or are donated are conserved on premises.
Currently our collection contains approximately 100,000 artifacts and consists of a variety of inorganic and organic materials such as gold and silver bars and coins; precious jewels; various metals; glassware and ceramics; ivory as well as some organic artifacts such as wood, seeds, insect fragments, bones, and leather. The objects range from cannons, cross bows and other weaponry, to tools, ship's rigging, hardware, navigational instruments, personal items, galley utensils, shackles, trade goods and coin chests.
In the summer of 1700, the English merchant-slaver Henrietta Marie sank in unknown circumstances thirty-five miles west of Key West, Florida. Shortly before this mishap, she had sold a shipment of 190 captive Africans in Jamaica.
Today, the Henrietta Marie is the world’s largest source of tangible objects from the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. As such it has proved to be a "gold mine" of information about a pivotal period in African, European and American history. Artifacts from any aspect of the maritime slave trade are extremely rare. Among the objects found at the site of the Henrietta Marie are over eighty sets of shackles, two cast-iron cannon, Venetian glass trade beads, stock iron trade bars, ivory "elephant’s teeth," and a large collection of English made pewter tankards, basins, spoons and bottles.
To further the understanding and interpretation of maritime history and science, with particular reference to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Access: Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
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