Last updated: 3/26/2018
16756 Moorpark St.
Encino, CA 91436
Sunday, Wednesday - Saturday
10 AM - 5 PM
Closed most holidays.
The site contains an 1849 adobe and 1870 2 story stone house, with grounds, a duck pond, a blacksmith shop and historical displays. It is a favorite spot for families with children.
Located along a significant travel route between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, the property passed through many hands between the 1840s and the early 20th century. Today, the park contains exhibits related to the agricultural enterprises of Rancho El Encino’s various owners, including Mission Indian, Mexican Californio, French, and French Basque families.
Tours and school programs by appointment.
Los Encinos State Historic Park has a number of picnic areas available for day use. To reserve an area for a party, wedding, or other special event, or obtain more information about rules or fees, contact park staff at 818-784-4849 or email
If you would like to perform commercial or student filming or photography at the park, you need to obtain a filming permit from the State Park filming office: 818-880-0358.
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