Last updated: 6/12/2012
1348 Market Street Suite 101
Historic Sherven Square
Redding, CA 96001
Victoria Darlene Alexander-Randolph
phone: 530-410-3299
Gregory Randolph
phone: 530-410-3300
Historic Sherven Square is located in the heart of Old Downtown Redding on the corner of Tehama & Market Streets.
Working studio of Artist who create original Art and demonstrate their skills through LIVE Art venues small and large: 8-8,000 people.
"Releasing More Creativity Into Our Communities. . ."
2005-2009 Historic 1917 Lee Ranch Folk Art Center in Weaverville Ca. In 2010 we expanded and opened our studio in the Historic Downtown Redding Sherven Square.
Carl Gideon Turner RAKU
Sapphire Del Mar TM Jewelry Collection
Bene Bella ~ Bene Bello TM Cartoon Books
Classes by appointment ages 3-93 years young
Owned by the Fitz Randolph Family of Artists
Access: Students
Appointment required: True
Art Shop of over 100 original works of Art by local Artists.
Gift Shop
Online Gift Shop
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