Last updated: 3/31/2020
332 Main Street
Grahamsville, NY 12740
P.O. Box 254
Grahamsville, NY 12740
Sunday, Thursday - Saturday
12 PM - 4 PM
Sunday, Saturday
12 PM - 4 PM
and other times by appointment.
Town of Neversink Residents and Town of Denning residents: FREE every Thursday.
Donna E. Steffens
phone: 845-985-7700
Christina Wells
Carol Smythe
Three (3) floors of interactive exhibits inside the museum. Explore outside and find yourself stepping back in time at our "1930s Lost Catskill Farm" with time-period buildings and a working waterwheel.
The Time and the Valleys Museum is a living and interactive resource that preserves the past, educates the present and ensures the uniqueness of the Rondout and Neversink watersheds for all generations.
In 2018, the 1930's Lost Catskill Farm opened with a house, barn, woodworking shop, blacksmith shop and other farm outbuildings. Created to illustrate life on a family farm before being removed to build NYC’s reservoirs, it is interpreted using the most advanced technology, including tours for mobile devices.
Connecting water, people, and the Catskills. The museum’s long range plan is to create a “Museum Without Walls”, to be both indoor, outdoor and virtual, enthusiastically bringing history and the environment to others, wherever they may be.
The Time and the Valleys Museum is a living and interactive resource that preserves the past, educates the present and ensures the uniqueness of the Rondout and Neversink watersheds for all generations.
Current Permanent Exhibits: Water and the Valleys; Tunnels, Toil, and Trouble.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
Around the Reservoirs Newsletter, published quarterly
Books(58); CDs(2); Children's Books(5); Gifts(1); On-Line Ticket Sales(6).
Time and the Valleys Museum extends a very special thank you to our sponsors that support our yearly 1930s Lost Catskill Farm Hoedown in July.
Gift Shop
Online Gift Shop
Group Tours
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