Updated: 1/24/2012
Fresnal Canyon Road
Topawa, AZ 85639
P.O. Box 837
Sells, AZ 85634
Nature Centers
Exhibitions change regularly and include our collection holdings as well as loans from other museums; pertinent traveling exhibitions from other museums are also featured frequently.
Loan policies are handled based on standard museum practice and can be inquired about through our Collections Department.
Conservation services are available for minor repairs and basic maintenance of object and document collections.
The mission of Himdag Ki: Hekhu, Hemu, Im B I-Haap, or the Tohono O'odham Nation Cultural Center & Museum, is to instill pride by creating a permanent tribal institution to protect and preserve Tohono O'odham language, culture, collections, and the land. Working with elders, the Cultural Center & Museum promotes understanding and respect of O'odham himdag (culture) through collections, exhibitions, educational programs and public outreach.
Ancient and historical collections of local ethnohistory and culture; traditional O'odham arts & crafts; contemporary art & culture by, for, and about the O'odham people.
Archival document collections cover the themes mentioned above; also covered are: O'odham language materials; history of O'dham education; and a broad range of local and general Native American coverage in forms of books, articles, journals, magazines, and audiovisuals.
Public programming includes exhibitions, family history, story-telling, cultural events, workshops, tours, symposia, concerts, pageants, local nature events and tours, etc.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
Gift shop coming soon.
Gift Shop
Group Tours
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