Last updated: 5/28/2011
385 Sabine Street
Hemphill, TX 75948
Monday - Saturday
10 AM - 5 PM
The museum is closed in observance of the major holidays. Please call before you travel.
Cost to tour the museum is $5 for adults, $3 for children.
Kay Simpson
phone: 409-787-4827
Ed Stiles
We are a new museum, recently opened on February 1, 2011. The museum honors the memory of the astronauts aboard NASA Space Shuttle Columbia STS-107, which was lost while reentering Earth's atmosphere on February 1, 2003.
It tells the story of space exploration from the first mission of the Columbia to its last mission, STS-107. It also reveals the efforts of local citizens during the recovery of Space Shuttle Columbia, STS-107 and its Crew. An area is dedicated to each crewmember that was lost in the tragedy, including the Texas Forest Service employee and the helicopter pilot who lost their lives during the recovery effort. The families of the crew have contributed personal items belonging to their loved ones to be on permanent display. The museum houses many items and artifacts from NASA and its contractors, the families of STS-107, as well as from other individuals.
e museum will feature two simulator interactive devices that emulate activities of the shuttle and orbiter. A planned classroom/digital learning center will provide an excellent opportunity for the advancement of education for people of all ages.
The museum's gift shop offers NASA gear and memorabilia for sale.
The museum is made possible through the generosity of Mr. Albert “Al” Smith, in remembrance of his deceased wife, Patricia Huffman Smith and many other generous donations.
NASA space shuttle models, authentic parts and equipment; NASA astronaut space suit; personal effects of each of the seven NASA astronauts lost during the Space Shuttle Columbia STS-107 mission
Docent program for the general public; school and adult group tours; occasional lectures conducted by NASA personnel from Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX
J.R. Huffman Public Library, Inc.; % The Patricia Huffman Smith Museum "Remembering Columbia"
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