Last updated: 11/29/2010
1805 South Arlington Ridge Road
Arlington, VA 22202
P.O. Box 100402
Arlington, VA 22210
Tom Dickinson
Alice Andors
phone: 703-836-2230
The Arlington Historical Society owns two properties: the Arlington Historical Museum and the Ball-Sellers House. The society website also has a list of the historic markers, districts, and properties in the county.
The Arlington Historical Museum, owned and operated by the Historical Society, is located at 1805 South Arlington Ridge Road, close to the Pentagon City and Crystal City metrorail stations. The two-story brick structure was built in 1891 as the Hume School, named for Frank Hume who gave some of the property for the school. It is the oldest school building in Arlington County.
Following extensive renovation in the early 1960s, the building reopened as the Arlington Historical Museum. The building is designated a Virginia State Historical Landmark and is also on the National Register of Historic Sites.
The Arlington Historical Society is looking for artifacts to expand their collection and current displays for their museum at the Hume School. Have an artifact to donate? All artifact donations must be pre-screened by our Acquisitions Committee. Please email a description and photo, if possible, to or
Items are available for sale at the Arlington Historical Society Museum. Sales of these items help support the work of the Arlington Historical Society. Members of the Society enjoy the courtesy of a discount on most of the items offered for sale. With each entry on this list, the regular price is quoted along with any discounted member price. Virginia residents must pay sales tax of 5% for each purchase.
Kevin Vincent has prepared a walking tour of George Washington’s holdings in Arlington. This trail covers approximately six miles of moderately hilly terrain over both county streets and bike trail. You can either walk it or ride a bicycle. Details are on the Society website.
The Arlington Historical Society (AHS), founded in September 1956, is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of Virginia and operated for literary and educational purposes that support research, collection, preservation, discovery, restoration and dissemination of the local history of Arlington County, Virginia.
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