Last updated: 3/10/2022
405 Perry Rd.
Bangor, ME 04401
Jim Neville
phone: 207-990-3600
Jennifer Munson
phone: 207-990-3600
Dana Lippitt
phone: 207-990-3600
The Cole Land Transportation Museum's primary goal of raising the aspirations of Maine children is supported by many educational programs, materials and publications offered to teachers and schools free of charge. These services include tours led by knowledgeable volunteers, student-veteran interview program, in class presentations, study guides, books, videos, and publications. To participate in any of our programs or to request materials, simply complete the on-line registration forms or call the Museum at (207)990-3600.
The museum is available for business meetings, group functions, luncheon and dinner meetings, or social events. The museum's conference room can accommodate 80-100 people and is equipped with kitchen facilities, large screen television with DVD/VCR, seating, tables, PA system, and air conditioning. Included with each function is free admission to the museum's exhibits and guided tours. Holding your meeting or function in such a unique location will increase attendance making it more productive and cost efficient.
Located on the Museum's grounds is the State of Maine Monument to World War II. It is an exact bronze casting of the Museum's WWII Willys Jeep. The Jeep's driver is the sculptured likeness of Charlie Flanagan killed in WWII and Galen's Cole's best boyhood friend. The monument was constructed and dedicated as the Maine State World War II Memorial by Gov. Angus King on October 11, 1997.
We also wish to remember, record and display U.S. military memorabilia to forever remind this and future generations of the high price our comrades have paid to protect our freedom. The museum is housed in a 1+ acre climate controlled building with over 200 vehicles with Maine connections, thousands of enlarged and captioned photos of early life in Maine communities and a covered bridge on site. If it moved over land in the last two centuries, it is probably represented here, from roller skates to a mighty diesel locomotive.
Our purpose at the Cole Land Transportation Museum is to collect, preserve, and display (before they disappear forever) a cross section of Maine's land transportation equipment from which this and future generations will gain knowledge of the past.
The Cole Land Transportation Museum opened in 1990 to help preserve a cross section of Maine's Land Transportation history.
Over 200 vehicles with Maine connections, thousands of enlarged and captioned photos of early life in Maine communities and a covered bridge on site. If it moved over land in the last two centuries, it is probably represented here, from roller skates to a mighty diesel locomotive.
2000 Photographs from almost every town and city in the state of maine with 2000 additional photos currently in storage.
The Cole Land Transportation Museum's primary goal of raising the aspirations of Maine children is supported by many educational programs, materials and publications offered to teachers and schools free of charge. These services include tours led by knowledgeable volunteers, student-veteran interview program, in class presentations, study guides, books, videos, and publications.
To participate in any of our programs or to request materials, simply complete the on-line registration forms or call the Museum at (207)990-3600.
Access: Staff Only
Appointment required: True
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