Gary Nader. The Multifacetic World of Art by Carol Damian.
For over twenty years, Gary Nader has been regarded as one of the most entrepreneurial and successful art gallery in the United States and Latin America. Today his reputation extends to Europe and he continues to transcend borders and defy and limitations associated with the definition of art or his artists as solely Latin American. His artists are truly international and his approach to the world just as far-reaching. From his early career as the Director of Nader Gallery of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic in 1981 to his move to the United States to set up a gallery specializing in Latin American Art in Miami in 1986, Gary Nader has been determined not only to establish himself as an expert on Latin American Art, but to disseminate information about this newly recognized and exciting area of art in order to expand the horizons of his artists and collectors. To do this, Nader has established a number of significant art projects and publications, and he is still exploring other possibilities to enhance his profile and that of the art he believes so strongly in supporting.
The opening of Gary Nader Fine Art in Coral Gables in 1992 was the first step in expanding his role beyond that of a mere gallery director interested in the commercial sale of art. Already a leading expert in the art of Wifredo Lam and many other Latin American Artists, Nader was able to offer his clients from the private, corporate and museums worlds, consultation and appraisal services to assist them in building their collections and obtaining the scholarship associated with the artist. To fill in an already comprehensive library, he also began Gary Nader Editions specializing in the publication of fine art books and catalogues of contemporary Latin American Art, such as the Wifredo Lam Catalogue Raisonné. His books and full-color catalogues with scholarly essays have become some of the most important resources on the artists featured in his gallery exhibitions. These exhibitions have included such masters as Wifredo Lam, Matta, Fernando Botero, Mario Carreño, Julio Larraz, Agustin Cardenas, Francisco Toledo, Armando Morales and the accompanying books and extensive catalogues now represent significant scholarship on their work.
Not content to rest on the success of his work as a gallery director and expert on Latin American Art, Nader established the first Latin American Art Auction in Miami in 1994 with a full color catalog of the artwork and follow-up price guides, also available on the Web and CDs. The auction is going into its 10th year and has expanded beyond Latin America to include significant Modern and Contemporary Art from around the world. It also enjoys a high rate of selectivity with only 150 works chosen out of requests for submission that number from 4000 to 5000.
The Latin American Art Price Guide is now going into its fifth edition and will contain more than 25,000 works auctioned at Nader's, Christie's and Sotheby's from 1977 to the present. At the present, Nader(with over 20 years experience attending auctions, fairs, and sales all over the world) sees himself as one of the leading authorities and dealers in Modern and Contemporary Art with a Latin American accent. He tries hard to dispel the notion that young artists must forever be labeled according to their country of origin, or as "Latin American" by historians, auction houses, dealers and museums.
It is hard to believe that he can find the time to maintain his gallery exhibitions, publications, and expertise, expand his interests and representation of artists to include works from an international perspective, and still be on the lookout for new projects, but that is exactly what he does, and on a daily basis at that.
Gary Nader has contributed an enormous amount of talent and energy to the Miami Art Scene over the years. He has organized some of the most significant exhibitions of Latin American and Caribbean masters outside museums, including recent exhibitions of the works of the great masters Matta and Lam. He has also presented a one-man exhibition by the renowned European master Marc Chagall, and has introduced a star-cast selection of artists who were not as familiar in the Miami area as they were in the international arena, including Walter Goldfarb, Carlos Capelan, Carlos Quintana, Ruben Torres Llorca, Manuel Mendive, Armando Mariño and Guillermo Conte. He has also worked in developing the careers of emerging talents such as Nicolas Leiva and Guillermo Muñoz-Vera, for whom he also published or assisted in the publication of monographs. Hard-cover catalog accompany the majority of his exhibitions. Future exhibitions will include works by world established Modern and Contemporary masters such as Calder, Hirst, Kiefer, Struth, Richter, Warhol, Rauschenberg, Koons, Demand, Ruf, Gursky, Miro, Matisse, Kandinsky, Basquiat and Picasso, to name a few. Inevitably, Gary Nader will find some other project to fulfill his passion for art. He is talking about opening another gallery in New York - he already has two galleries in Coral Gables and an extensive inventory of art works from all over the world that numbers in the thousands. There are more books on the horizon, more auctions and price guides. He is currently thinking about a Biennial for Miami and a contemporary photography exhibition. Never content to bask in the glory of past achievements, Nader is probably looking for new horizons while this piece goes into print.
Since the opening of his gallery in 1981 Gary Nader's personal commitment has been the support and recognition of Latin American art. As a result of Mr. Nader's devotion the gallery has presented an extensive number of solo and group exhibition, the publication of catalogues and art books as well as providing extensive professional services to assist a private clientele, corporations and museums with the acquisition or sale of Latin American, Modern and Contemporary art. The gallery also provides certifications and appraisal services as well as art advisory program and curatorial information including cataloguing and conservation.
Coleccion Gary Nader exhibits monthly, featuring established artists. Past one man shows featured Matta, Armando Morales, Mario Carreño, Agustin Cardenas, Fernando Botero, Julio Larraz, Wifredo Lam, Guillermo Muñoz Vera and Marc Chagall, many significant shows brought together the works of some of the most important artist worldwide.
Throughout the years Gary Nader fine art has fitted his efforts to the requirements of the fastest growing market on the international scene and specially its clients.
Latin American, Modern and Contemporary Art : Atchugarry, Balla, Bermudez, Botero, Calder, Capelan, Carreño, Chia, Conte, Di Cavalcanti, Di Suvero, Esnoz, Fischli, Fontana, Francis, Goldfarb, Golding, Gursky, Henry, Hirst, Kahlo, Kippenberger, Kuitca, L
For more than 25 years Gary Nader has been passionately collecting and entirely dedicated to the support and recognition of Latin American art. Coleccion Gary Nader will have on display Mr. Nader's contemporary Latin American art collection showing artwork
Gallery Tours, lectures, video and movie presentation
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