Last updated: 7/8/2011
301 W. B Street Suit 100
Pueblo, CO 81003
132 West "B" Street STE A
Pueblo, CO 81003
Monday - Saturday 10AM to 4PM Guided tours of railyard available Sat 10A-4PM and any other time by appt. Please call Ron in afternoon at 719-251-5024 to schedule.
No charge at this time, although donations are accepted and encouraged.
Gerald Dandurand
phone: 720-530-6839
William L. Byers
phone: 719-544-1773
Petar Sredojevic
phone: 719-598-1017
Diana Applegate
phone: 719-544-1773
Robert Wilfley
phone: 303-693-0324
Tom Courney
phone: 719-544-1773
Charles McCandless
phone: 719-994-5633
Douglas Summer
phone: 719-545-9752
Ron Roach
phone: 719-251-5024
The museum is dedicated to historic preservation of railroad history, interpretation and presentation to the public. Operated by dedicated group of volunteers. We try to present a "hands-on" alternative learning experience to all visitors and are developing programs with local library and school districts to include periodic visits in curiculum. We are starting up a new restoration center at 330 D Street, ultimate plans include a rail park and operating line connecting with the HARP riverwalk project.
Museum was opened by the Pueblo Locomotive & Rail Historical Society in 1995. Pueblo Railway Foundation was formed in 2003 and took over operation after the PL&RHS ceased operation. Almost all of our collection has been donated by railroads or the City of Pueblo. The PRF has a better business footing, has instituted many new programs, acquired properties within and to the north of the Depot, has recieved and is seeking grants for restoration activities and museum improvements.
ATSF #2912 Northern type steam loco(listed as Hist.Landmark),3 operating GP-7 locos formerly of Colo & Wyoming RY, US DOT GE U30C "Bicentennial" large diesel loco, several other smaller locos. 3 passenger cars, 7 cabooses, kitchen, dining and tool car (where food or hot drinks sometimes served), Army 25 ton rail crane(fully operational), several other rail cars. Track tools, "speeder", signaling devices, etc. inside including documentation and educational displays.
Library of over 100 volumes and growing. Growing photo archives. SCHC has complete geneaology history of local area. Many railway operating documents, timetables and advertising. We have started program to gather oral histories from retired railroaders while they are still available.
Currently running tours with Pueblo School District and Public Library in conjunction with history, social science and science courses. Developing programs to better implement this program including written documentation.
Guided tours for other groups and general public available upon request.
We are seeking volunteers to aid in museum operation, restoration activites, research and also to provide oral histories.
Educational materials currently are under development and no cost is available.
We are a non-profit corporation, tax exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(3). Donations are fully tax deductible. Governed by volunteer Board of Directors and appointed officers. Memberships available and volunteers are needed.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Staff Only
Appointment required: True
Current publish by-monthly newsletter of 4-8 pages, featuring photos, sometimes in color. Mailed to all members, copies available on request.
Under development is self-guided tour guide with history and technical details of collection items.
Our website contains informative and educational information.
Stack Talk - newsletter - website
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