The Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force invites you to take a Sentimental Journey.
The Arizona Wing is an all-volunteer organization whose members are dedicated to preserving aviation history and wartime memorabilia for future generations. The Arizona Wing primary mission is to maintain and operate aircraft from WW II to Vietnam. On display in the Mesa museum at Falcon Field Airport is the world famous B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey" restored to its 1944 WWII configuration. Also displayed is a B-25 Mitchell that flew out of Corsica during WW II, a T-6, C-45, F4 Phantom, Mig 15 & 21, A-26 Invader, L-16 Grasshopper, 02A Super Skymaster and AFS2 Guardian. Warbird rides are available on B-17, T-6, C-45 and O2A for those who want to experience the rumble of the round engine and what it must have been like for our pilots in a bygone era.
The museum houses many wartime artifact exhibits as well as the 'Home Front' during WW II and military uniforms and leather flight jackets of bomber crews. Many artifacts are donated to the Museum by veterans and their families as reminders of our history such as a navigator's drift meter that was found in 1980 buried in Zellerfeld, Germany, from a crashed B-17 bomber in 1943.
The Arizona Wing is also voice recording and archiving veterans stories for future generations. Call the Arizona Wing Museum or email to have your story or a loved one's story archived. Stories emailed to us will be posted on our website under Veteran Legacy.
The Annual Night in the 40's Big Band Dance and USO Show is held in March. A 1940s style USO Show is preformed followed by the music of a Big Band Orchestra for your dancing enjoyment. Guests attending come dressed in the styles of the 40's with a costume contest and a jitterbug contest, all in the shadow of Sentimental Journey.
The Arizona Wing is an all-volunteer nonprofit 501 C 3 museum and receives no government funding. The wing is maintained and operated through fundraising events, gift shop items and donations. The Arizona Wing is located at 2017 N. Greenfield Rd. at Falcon Field Airport in Mesa. For more information call 480-924-1940 or or email us at
The Arizona Wing formed in 1978 and located at Falcon Field Airport in Mesa, AZ.
exhibitions, teacher workshops, docent program, gallery tours, educators guide, lectures, field trips
City Museum assisted in programming and fundraising by the Birmingham Historical Society.
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