Last updated: 8/9/2013
Bldg. #222, 1st Street
Fort Irwin, CA 92310
P. O. Box 105029
Fort Irwin, CA 92310
The museum houses two storylines under one roof--the history of military presence since 1844 on what is present day Fort Irwin and the history of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment from 1901-Present.
When BG William “Scott” Wallace became commanding General of the National Training Center in 1995, he instigated the creation of the NTC & 11th ACR Museum . The General had formerly served as the 55th Colonel of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment when it was deactivated in Germany in 1994, and was acquainted with the 11th ACR Collection that had been exhibited at the Regimental Museum in Germany. The museum opened its doors in a temporary location--Regimental Dining Facility 2 on May 5, 1996. The museum moved to its present location in 1999 at another former Dining Facility, building 222, located on First Street. The museum is proud of the fact that the current lifesize diorama exhibits were built by soldiers, for soldiers.
Educational Programming, Group Tours, Speaker Series
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
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