Perry Street
Trenton, NJ 08602
phone: 254-287-8811
fax: 254-287-3833
Vincent Zarate
phone: 609-298-7196
The Trentonian in Trenton, NJ is one of more than 15,400 museums in the MuseumsUSA directory. Find an exciting museum to visit where you live or vacation today.
Militray & related material of the 4th Infantry Division, the United State Army & opposing forces from World War I until present; approx.60 military vehicles exhibited; tank destroyers; III Corps, Camp/Fort Hood
history of the 4th Infantry Division from 1918 until present day; military material culture with emphasis on the 20th century; especially armored warefare
self-guided tours; special guided tours upon request; audio-visual programs; lectures; classes
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