Last updated: 9/25/2011
200-6 Noble
Spring, TX 77373
Tuesday - Saturday
11 AM - 5 PM
Kraig D. White
phone: 281-528-9911
Wil Gibson
Nicole Armstrong
Rita Hurst
phone: 281-732-5041
The Civil War Museum houses artifacts from the Civil War era. We have books and CD's on the War. Captain Kraig White is the Curator and is extremely knowledgeable on the era. We can assist in tracing your heritage back to ancestors who served in the Civil War on either side.
We have Fundraisers Quarterly to help us pay our bills and expand our programs. Captain is available to speak and do demonstrations at Schools, etc.
Visit the Museum to see Artifacts, learn more about the era and start your journey into the past to find your ancestors who lived and died in that War.
To educate and promote interest in the Civil War era.
Established in this location in 1993, the 11th Texas Cavalry, a re-enactmnt unit, headquartered here for several years. SCV and Order of the Confederate Rose are both active in assiting us with projects and events.
Several years ago, a Ghost Hunter group came out to do some research and found Spirits of Confederate Soldiers in our Courtyard.
Many items are on display on loan from the Wayne Hilligeist Colection. Various other artifacts have been donated or loaned to the Museum.
1. Captain Kraig White is available to speak and do demonstrations at Schools, meetings etc.
2. He is able to assist in tracing Geneology records back to the Civil War era.
We are a 501 (C) 3 Corporation. Donations are tax deductibla. We survive on donations and fundraisers.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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