Last updated: 3/11/2011
2200 W. 35th
Austin, TX 78703
PO Box 5218
Austin, TX 78763
John C.L. Schribner
phone: 512-465-5659
Carl J. Deichmann
phone: 512-406-6916
In keeping with our storyline, we are attempting to tell the history of the Military Forces of Texas. At this time, we begin in 1835 and go to the present time, but somday, we must tell the story of the local militias when Spain and Mexico ruled Texas. My vision is for our museum to become the focal point in our state for the portrayal, the research and the study and the propagation throughout Texas and the United States of the history and traditions of the Texas Military Forces. Among our major projects is the completion of our research library and the renovation of a large room to be used for meetings, conferences, historical presentations by noted military historians, and for training in history and traditions for members of the State Military Forces. This, along with the establishment of a gift shop and improving our physical plant, rounds off the list. While we are doing this, we also want to improve and enrich our exhibits so that they will not only tell a story, but will also appeal to both old and young alike. We need to improve our outreach and educational programs for students.
in Oct 2007, management changes were made at this museum. General passed away in 2006, and Carl Diechmann retired after new director was hired. Mr Hunt, was hired in Sept 2007 to run the museum. As of Feb 2011, the museum staff of paid employees were told that due to the budget cuts recommended by the Legisture the museum is schel. to close on Sept 1 2011.
Due to the budget cuts recommended by the Legisture the museum is scheduled to close on Sept 1 2011.
The Texas Military Forces Museum is located at Camp Mabry in Building # 6. Camp Mabry was founded in 1892, and Building # 6 was opened in 1918 as a mess hall. The Museum opened in 1992 with one exhibit room. The Museum now has three exhibit rooms, an exhibit hall and extensive military vehicle exhibits on the south side of the building.
Tanks, trucks, other tracked vehicle WWII through present; 40 + individual weapons-- War Between the States through present; 100 + Texas Revolution--dioramas, uniforms, weapons, pictures; War Between the States--uniforsm, artifacts and original flags of the 10th Texas Cavalry.; Spanish-American War, Texas Volunteer Guard, World War I, Texas Cavalry, 36th Division in WWI and II, 112th Cavalry and 124th Cavalry Regiments,Desert Storm, Korea, Vietnam, 49th Armor Division, texas Medal of Honor Exhibit
Records of all individuals who entered the military in Texas during WWI; casualty lists from WWI through Korea and partial Vietnam; Adjutant General reports to the Governor; Records of " The War of the Rebellion"--all volumes; complete set of U.S. Army Center of Military history publications. All available for on-site research. Military history, uniforms, weapons, aircraft, ships, biographics, autobiographies, ancient Rome/Greece to Desert Storm
Developing a teacher packet to be use for on-stie tours, a museum brochure is available.Docent Training program; tours by schedule appointments; Historical reenactments and demonstratoins opening of new exhibits. Material on Texas National Guard In WWII
Too numerous to list all: All publications on 36th Division in WWII; various publications on the Death Railway- Bridge over the River Kawe- Texas Lost Battalion- and others.; Newsletter-quarterly
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