Last updated: 6/30/2011
24 East Church St
Frederick, MD 21701
Mr. Donald R. Hunt Sr.
Mr. Mark S. Hudson
Ms. Gayle Marie Denny
The Historical Society of Frederick County is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to increasing public awareness and appreciation of the history of Frederick County. The Society collects and preserves artifacts and documents for study and education, and welcomes the participation of people of all ages in sharing informative and engaging experiences that will encourage them to discover and appreciate their heritage.
The Frederick County Archives & Research Center (formerly the Historical Society of Frederick County’s Library) holds a variety of historical materials awaiting discovery. Letters, diaries, Civil War records, maps, family histories, photographs, and books on local subjects are all available for use by historians and genealogists in this non-circulating research collection. Knowledgeable staff are available to assist patrons and research services are available for a fee.
Genealogists will want to search the family history files and published family histories. Historians will find extensive vertical files and publications on a variety of county-related subjects. The rich manuscript collection includes documents of the Potomac Home Brigade, business records, and diaries and the papers of a few notable local families. A large and growing collection of photographic images also is available.
decorative and fine arts
clothing and textiles
genealogical records
business and cultural ephemera
guided museum tours
festivals and commemorations
classes and workshops
lecture series
preservation workshops
ice cream social
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