Last updated: 8/3/2009
40 W. Potomac Street
Brunswick, MD 21716
Founded as a result of Brunswick's 75th anniversary celebration, the "Diamond Jubilee", the Brunswick Potomac foundation held festivals in its early years, celebrating the town's rich transportation and natural histories. After purchasing a building in 1974, the Brunswick Railroad Museum has served the community in many ways, and has attracted visitors from all around the world, and attempting to keep its small-town-museum feel while constantly integrating new methods and technologies into our exhibits and archives.
At our facility, we accept donations of artifacts both relating to important aspects of the history of the town of Brunswick, as well as the history of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and its influence on its employees and the people in the towns it served.
B&O Railroad (1890-1970)
communications and signal equipment
late Victorian furnishings and costumes
baseball history
late 19th century medical history
railroad life
interactive HO scale model B&O
C&O Canal exhibit
Victorian Christmas (weekend following Thanksgiving)
Railroad History Days (1st weekend in April)
Railroad Days (1st weekend in October)
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