Last updated: 2/13/2011
Banneker Historical Park & Museum
300 Oella Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21228
300 Oella Ave
Catonsville, MD 21228
Steven X. Lee
Willa Banks
Domenico Romeo
Jessica Ferretto
Encompassing 142 acres, with various facilities and extensive nature trails, the primary focus of this site is cultural and natural history. The Historical Park & Museum is dedicated to the legacy of the Colonial farmer, clockmaker, mathematician, astronomer,and Federal Territority surveyor, Benjamin Banneker, known as the first African American man of science.
The Banneker Museum features a permanent exhibition on Benjamin Banneker's life & works,a Community Gallery of changing exhibits, a gift shop and patio garden. The site also includes: a Colonial cabin,a historic Victorian farmhouse,and a pavilion. The Park & Museum offers diverse programming in history & culture, science, nature & the environment, visual and the performing arts.
The Benjamin Banneker Historical Park & Museum serves to document, preserve and present the legacy of Benjamin Banneker, as well as African American, Colonial, and natural history.
Born out of the 1985 archaeological discovery of the cabin foundation of the Colonial Bannaker family, the Banneker Historical Park & Msueum was established through the combined efforts of County government and community, to preserve the land and legacy of Benjamin Banneker. At 142-acres the Banneker Historical Park & Museum is the largest original African American historical site in the nation.
Archaeological and other historical artifacts:
- fine art
- library: books, publications and media
- nature: taxidermy & live specimens, and herbarium
Publications, media, and diverse artifacts related to Benjamin Banneker, the Banneker family, and the Ellicott family.
School curriculum programming:
- diverse educational and cultural special events
permanent historical exhibits on Benjamin Banneker, and life in Early America.
- living history exhibitions
- changing exhibits in art, astronomy, history and culture
- nature and environmental conservation
Baltimore County Department of Recreation & Parks in collaboration with Friends of Banneker Historical Park (community non-profit).
Access: General Public
Appointment required: True
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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