Last updated: 1/31/2011
15520 Blackburn Rd
Woodbridge, VA 22191
Shantora Stuckman
phone: 703-499-9812
Becky Super
phone: 703-499-9812
Rippon Lodge was built circa 1747 by Richard Blackburn and is one of the oldest houses still standing in Prince William County. This modest house was built on a hilltop overlooking the mouth of Neabsco Creek and the Potomac River and was surrounded by several other structures during the 18th century. In the early 20th century the home under went extensive renovations by its then owner Judge Wade Ellis and his wife Dessie. Stewardship of the home then passed to its last private owner Admiral Richard Blackburn Black in 1953. Prince William County purchased the property in 2000 and began extensive restoration efforts.
Rippon Lodge is opened to the public from May through October and for special events. The County is very excited and proud to be the caretaker of this important historic home.
Educational programs for children and adults are offered on site including, school and scout programs. For a complete listing of programs please visit.
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