Last updated: 7/8/2012
45 Exeter Road
Hampton Falls, NH 03844
PO Box 104
Hampton Falls, NH 03844
Board Meetings open to public are held the second Tuesdays of each month starting at 6:45 pm at the Museum May-October, and at the Hampton Falls Free Public Library behind the Town Hall on Drinkwater Road.
We rent our museum space from the town of Hampton Falls. It is located across from the town hall in a former baptist church that was purchased by a private citizen and donated to the town to serve as a library, which it did until early in the 21st century when it became the home of the Historical Society, which began with it's founding in 1985.
Policy is to maintain artifacts relating to History of Hampton Falls, generally including items donated or bequeathed by residents and purchased at antique dealers, internet and the like.
Generally we hold lectures on subjects relating mostly to Hampton Falls History, including educational programs that relate to its Seacoast culture.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
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