Last updated: 3/23/2011
10 Montrose Dr.
Romeoville, IL 60446
Nancy Hackett
phone: 815-886-0273
The Romeoville Area Historical Society collects and displays information and artifacts from Romeoville, Bolinbroook and rural DuPage Township, specializing in the early farming community, one-room schools, the first 45/15 all-year school district and Hampton Park where houses were "built in a day".
The Society was begun in 1980, opened as a museum in 1987, was incorporated into the Fountaindale Library in 2004, separated in July 2010.
Romeoville Historical Society became Fountaindale Historical Society in 2003, and is now Romeoville Area Historical Society, since August 2010
Household and farming equipment and tools.
Information on early residents in the area in various formats.
Tours for local school classes.
Access: General Public, Students
Appointment required: False
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