Last updated: 10/21/2016
6420 Dempster Street
Morton Grove, IL 60053
6834 W. Dempster
Morton Grove, IL 60053
Mark V. Matz
Melissa D'lando
Lauren Szady
The Morton Grove Historical Museum was built in 1888 by Nicholas Haupt as a home for his wife and eight children. His wife, Magdalena, died before the house was complete, leaving behind her husband and eight children. After Nicholas also died two years later, the Haupt children remained together in the house until the youngest was of age. Third daughter Elizabeth married Mathias Yehl in 1901 and they raised their six children in the home. Yehl daughter Dorothy remained in the house until the property was sold in 1984. The Morton Grove Historical Society, in cooperation with the Morton Grove Park District, saved the house from demolition and moved the house from its original location on Lincoln Avenue it to its present site in Harrer Park. Currently, the Historical Society and Park District cooperate in maintaining and operating the Museum. The museum collects and displays artifacts of significance to Morton Grove, including those of the original founders and those of more recent settlers to the community — all who continue to enhance the vitality of Morton Grove.
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