Last updated: 10/11/2013
300 North Main Street
Lewistown, IL 61542
PO Box 53
Lewistown, IL 61542
Sunday, Saturday
1 PM - 4 PM
All other days by appointment
There are only a very few blacksmith shop museums in the entire country, and most have been devised and placed inside museum buildings or within reconstructed pioneer or Colonial villages. The Rasmussen Blacksmith Shop Museum in Lewistown is a notable exception to this trend. It is located right on Main Street.
The blacksmith shop was built in 1836 and was owned by a John McFall. Nels Rasmussen worked for him and in 1888 bought the shop whole and it stayed in the family until 1969 when Don W Rasmussen,the last blacksmith died and has occupied that location since 1893 when it was founded by Nels. It was, at that time, the oldest operating proprietorship in Lewistown still in the same family. The shop was acquired shortly after by the Lewistown Society for Historical Preservation.
With the acquisition including all of the building?s contents, visitors are able to experience over 80 years of the business?s history and operation. This building was a large shop as it had 2 working forges and 3 blacksmiths. While it is used mainly for exhibition throughout the year, during the Spoon River Scenic Drive you can still see blacksmiths in action on the site.
The Rasmussen Museum is located just next door to the Blacksmith?s Shop. Also founded by the Lewistown Society for Historical Preservation, it provides a look at daily life in Lewistown and surrounding areas throughout time. Highlights include an Edgar Lee Master?s section, rare antique tools and farm equipment, and a Library of Local History featuring documents, photographs, and newspaper archives focused on the area.
Owned and operated by Lewistown Society for Historical Presevation.
Rasmussen Blacksmith Shop Coloring Book for kids and adults includes sketches of tools.
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