Last updated: 1/24/2010
1000 Auction Road
Fallon, NV 89406
1000 Auction Rd
Fallon, NV 89406
Refuge open daily, during daylight hours; 2 overnight camping areas - Division Road and Lead Lake parking lots
Located on the Pacific Flyway, the wetlands provide a temporary home in the desert to hundreds of species of migratory birds: 77,000 acre refuge.
Foxtail Lake vehicle tour loop, 6.5 mi; group picnic shelter, wetland boardwalks, viewing areas; Stillwater Point Res. Millenium Moments Trail, observation platform; Tule Trail 1.5 mi interpretive hiking path off Hunter Rd.; seasonal hunting allowed north of Division Road;
Refuge established by Congress in 1948
Historic documents including herbarium, wildlife collection, cultural resources inventory, water rights aquisition, Federal record of Decision, land use surveys
On site guided group tours and activities, lessons; off site programs, displays, lessons,
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars
Appointment required: True
Refuge brochure available by request, at the headquarters office in Fallon, or onsite.
1=Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge
2=Stillwater NWR Complex Wildlife List
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