140 Pillsubury Road
Londonderry, NH 03053
P.O. Box 136
Londonderry, NH 03053
The Morrison House, circa 1760, is one of the few pre-revolutionary homes existing in Londonderry and it is considered to be a landmark. It was originally owned by a well known and respected Londonderry family, the Morrisons, who came to Nutfield (Londonderry) in 1719. It's many original features include a large center chimney fireplace with beehive ovens and brick hearth, Indian shutters, borning room, wide pine floors, nine over six pane windows, feathered clapboards and 18th century door latches.
The present site of the Morrison House Museum consists of over two acres of orchard land the Mack family donated and the land's original deed belonged to Charter David Morrison - C. 1726. A befitting location, surrounded by apple orchard vistas, the Morrison House sits amid old cellar foundations and abundant purple lilacs.
The Londonderry Historical Society is continually striving to capture and hold onto the artifacts of Londonderry. With this goal in mind we have added to the Morrison House Museum site the 1860 Parmenter Barn and the c. 1840 Clark Blacksmith Shop.
The Society's goal is to preserve the best of Londonderry's history for generations to come. We are currently working on raising funds to complete the restoration of the Parmenter Barn and restore a 19th c. horsedrawn carriage and other artifacts in need of restoration.
The Londonderry Historical Society was formed in 1956 by Melvin Watts (former curator at the Currier Museum in Manchester, NH). The Society was started due to the loss of the Ocean Born Mary House in Londonderry that was dismantled and moved to Rhode Island. It was at that time these people had the foresight to realize that Londonderry's history would continue to be loss if action were not taken. The Society has been in continuous operation since that 1956 and was incorporated in 1968. The Morrison House Museum name is registered with the State of New Hampshire.
The Society owns two very significant Horace Bundy paintings which are presently on permanent loan at the Londonderry Leach Library on Mammoth Road.
We presently are restoring a 19th horsedrawn carriage owned by Benjamin Adams donated to the Society by the Josiah Barlett house recently sold by the Molly Ried Chapter of the DAR in Derry, NH. Along with the carriage the DAR also donated an 18th child's waistcoat worn by Edmund Adams of Derry/Londonderry, NH.
We have many agricultural and linen making items on display from the 18th c. as these industries were typical of the lives of residents of Londonderry, NH.
The Londonderry Historical Society houses its research and paper artifacts at the Londonderry Leach Library in the Historical/Genealogy Room at the Library.
We presently provide tours to all Londonderry 4th grade students as part of their NH curriculum, which is presently over 500 students each year in the spring and fall. We also provide tours for local Boy Scouts, Cub Scout and Brownie troops and any group over 10 people during the months of May through November.
We only ask for a donation and their is no admission policy at this time.
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