Last updated: 6/13/2008
24 North Amherst Road
Bedford, NH 03110
The Bedford Historical Society was organized in 1967 - late for a town so aware of tradition. It was at a time when both old residents and new were seeing rapid changes and felt our history might become blurred or lost unless a concerted effort was made to collect and preserve those things which Inform us of our past.
At the first formal meeting In November Judge Peter Woodbury was elected president as an acknowledgement of his and his family's long concern with Beckford history. He drew up the Society's charter and set a strong, active organization on a firm foundation.
Twelve years after its founding, the Society acquired Schoolhouse 7 which was located on New Boston Rd. near Wallace Rd. It was use in 1800 and continued in use until the early 20th century, making it one of the oldest remaining buildings in Bedford. It was moved to its present location near the Town Office Building in Bedford Center.
The Society restored Schoolhouse 17 and uses it for its collection of historical artifacts, reference materials and programs of historical interest.
In 1995 the Society acquired the 'Little Green House' and moved it next to Schoolhouse #7. When built It was used as a cobbler's shop. Renovation was completed in September 1996. It opened in June 1997 and is known as the Kendall Shop Museum. Historical artifacts related to rural Bedford are displayed there. It is open to the public by appointment. A post and beam carriage shed, next to the Kendall Shop Museum, houses larger artifacts, including the old Town Hearse.
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